Well friends...its official...I am a wanderer...back and forth between our new place and my mom's house. You know, the thing about moving is that I always forget a bunch of little things just when I think I've finally got everything... Last night about 10pm, I realized the "little" things I had forgotten included (but are not limited to) sheets for my bed, my toothbrush!, toilet paper, cohen's body wash, cohen's spoons, and the rest of cohen's inserts for his cloth diapers.
You know, just a few little things.
Good grief.
Beth had kept Cohen for a few hours so I could actually get something done around the house and when she brought him back, he had been having a major melt down. He had cried his 'sad cry' on the way to the house and worn himself out on the road over. He woke up in an even more worked up state. I nursed him and tried to calm him, but at 10:30 I was still rocking a screaming child in the most un-put-together living room you could imagine. I wanted to pull my hair out, people! I would look at him and see how upset he was and feel horrible for him, but then a few seconds later feel so frustrated I didn't know what to do. Finally, thank Jesus, he slipped (flighting the whole way) into a deep, snoring sleep. I told myself to get up and keep unpacking, but I was too tired. Well, first I told myself to get up and get some of things we needed and had left at Mom's, but I took one look at my sleeping son and knew that was out of the question. So instead of doing anything productive, I popped in season 5 of Sienfeld, curled up on the couch with Cohen and a couple of baby blankets, and fell asleep.
It was a fitful night. I swear Cohen knew we were in a new place. His little blue eyes would flutter and he would lift his head up and look around and then lay it back down. I think I would've slept for hours and hours if I didn't have an almost 20lb 6 month old sleeping on top of me..but I guess we will never know, will we? (ahh...the life of a mother)
Cohen is still in a mood today...I think he's not a good transitioner (he would get that honestly) He loves his aunt Beth and she was with us at Mom's a little this morning. He kept looking over at her (and her sweet friend Kari) on the other couch and then looking back at me, and then his little face would scrunch up and he'd start bawling and screaming. We came to the conclusion that he was afraid I was leaving him again. Poor thing. I know, he's almost 7 months old and its the first time he has spent more than an hour away from me... Anyway, the screaming people- oh the screaming! Its a good thing Daddy is coming home today...Mommy needs a break!
Maybe its teeth? And if it is, please God, let them all come in at once and let's just get this over with. I want my smiley, cuddly baby back! Advice on teething, Moms? PLEASE?
On a totally separate note, thanks for all of your comments and thoughts and stories on community. I feel like I learned a lot from your words. Thank you. I responded to all of you in yesterday's comments. As I was thinking about community more today, I remembered reading a post by a dear friend about the same topic within the last week. Pastor Jason Holdridge is a dear friend, my former youth pastor, and Shawn's mentor...His blog should be on your must-read list. I am posting both the link to his main blog and also the link to the specific post about community entitled "in love with an idea". [sorry my linky thing isn't working- you'll have to copy and paste]
Jason's Must-Read blog: www.jasonholdridge.blogspot.com
"In Love with an Idea": http://jasonholdridge.blogspot.com/2007/11/in-love-with-idea.html
Anyway, just in case you need convincing, here are few of my favorite quotes from his blog: (He had been from the first line.. "It's really easy to be in love with the idea of community only to be quite unnerved by the reality of it")
-"We talk of loving the broken, but if you're anything like me, they never fit the brokenness that I've conjured up in my head...I want them to be the exact kind of brokeness that I feel compassion for.."
-"...no, people in the Bible that Jesus helped never were leachy with co-dependency issues and insecurity complexes and obsessive compulsive disorders. Nope, they were normal people with some dirt on their face that just needed someone to give them an "Extreme Makeover" and Presto...you have a well adjusted conversion that leads to a Great Awakening...and so on and so forth about "So and So" and "Such and Such"...it's fiction at it's best...and we buy it. We sell it."
-"And who knows that Heaven isn't going to be filled with people that get under your skin and on your nerves. It's free from sin, not personality. "
Read it and let me know what you think! and be patient with my responses...the internet isn't up at the new place, yet.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
continuing community...and 6 month old freak outs
Posted by
Kate McDonald
9:04 AM
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Nothing very important to say, really, just some thoughts on teething. Honestly, I think it's a miserable experience for both parent and child!!!
Eden, my daughter, went through a month of staying up all hours of the night, crying, not wanting to be put down (and we were in the midst of a move too). I thought I was going to go crazy. Finally four teeth came through. We've since had three weeks of calm, but now it looks as though she's teething again - biting on everything and tugging on her ear. Please, God, not yet....
Tylenol and Hyland's Teething Tablets (all natural) have gotten us through. Do they really help? I'm not sure, but I like to think that it does. :)
As far as the single mom in my church goes, she sent a prayer request out asking for someone to watch her little girl, just after your blog. I put the offer out that I'd love to do it. In any case, it may not work out due to distance, but it looks like we're getting together to just get together. Funny how God has a way of putting things on our hearts.
May God continue to guide us as we search for that true, deep feeling of being known.
(no blog)fwfsj
I just want to say be encouraged, this time is a baby's life is where that are teething, could be going through stranger anxiety or so many other things. It's a frustrating time because they are coming into a lot more mobility and and far more curious. I would get so frustrated at this stage and there would be a lot of tears from me and the baby.
However, I found that this was the time that God spoke to me the most. The time when I was the most sleep deprived, the time when my oldest had a teething fever for five days straight and didn't sleep for more than a 1/2 hour at a time, the time when I was crying at home alone with a sick child because my husband was working 16 hour days so that I could stay home with our child. At these times God spoke to me, comforted me, taught me, guided me, loved me, and even told me what to do to comfort my children.
My third and last child is teething and she has the teething poops (no fun) but I am acutally enjoying it because I know that it is my last time and that just like with all the other times I am going to look back at it and it won't seem to big to me anymore and it will all be just a memory. In the long and short of it, it will be a moment in time for me, just a moment.
I agree with anonymous and teresa, teething probably is the main culprit in your son's fussiness. My boy is 7 months old and he just got his first tooth this week - after a week or so of waking up at night and being a bit more clingy during the day. Motrin helps...
I have three kids - 5, 3, and 7months and I must say that there are days when I'm certain that pulling my hair out would be less painful than dealing with the crying, whining and occasional fighting. But I'm reminded of a great quote about parenthood:
The days are long but the years are short.
My oldest is in kindergarten now and I see her starting to branch out and need me less and less. It makes me do my very best to enjoy every crazy beautiful moment.
Sleep will come soon enough.
I have not been and am not a Mom, *grin* but I do know that freezing teething rings and then giving them to Cohen would help quite a bit. I'm guessing the cold-ness helps numb the gums.
One of my neices is just over a year old, and I babysat her from the time she was 3months-10months, and that technique came in handy quite often! :)
Wow, it must be stressful to have to deal with an unhappy baby on top of all the moving back and forth and being apart from your husband - and sharing all these profound thoughts on community! :) I never thought about there being people to get under our skin in heaven... I think that it won't be like it is on earth because we won't have the sin natures that will make us so easily irritated and angry. At least I hope so!
Ok - for teething this is what we've tried on both our kids and had some to no luck depending on the kid and how much pain they were in...Teething rings, wet, cold washrags to suck on, Hylands Teething tablets, (we used infant tylenol in the RIGHT, low dosages - but check with your pediatrician with all the new warnings out now) and I once heard someone suggest that you fill a pacifier's open end with water and freeze it and let the baby suck on that but I never could figure out how that would work - wouldn't the little ice cube just slip out after a few warm sucks? Anyway - the other stuff we tried and mostly worked. Sometimes though, we just repeated the mantra - this too shall pass - over and over and over at 2 a.m.
Regarding the quotes from Jason Holdridge's blog - that was some great stuff. And so true! Community sounds like a great idea, but it's not always an easy thing to be. Thanks for the links to his stuff over there!
Hoping you get some sleep tonight!
Poor little Cohen! I'm can't believe that you make time to blog and post back in between a teething baby & moving. You're amazing!
I've been to Africa twice. It's my favorite continent so far. Where did you guys go? I really want to go back, but I'm not sure it's time. I feel mean using so much money on a plane ticket when I could really give all of that money to an orphanage or something...i don't know. I'm stuck between a rock & a hard place I think.
Anyways-Jason's blog is amazing. It's pretty neat how much his related to yours. God's pretty incredible.
As for Cohen, good luck. If you guys move to Nashville, I'll come play with him! :-).
Hope you & your family have a wonderful thanksgiving!
I second (or third?) the Hyland's Teething Tablets (homeopathic, so that's nice). They work well for my daughter and they melt right away. I know how much teething babies fuss ): I hope he's getting a lot in at once! Even though they're so cranky, at least its not one at a time (:
It might seem like the teething days will never pass, but soon you'll be like, "Was that last week he was teething? Or no, wait, 2 wks ago...?" Oh, and then more teeth will come in. (; It's gets better....some how, some way (:
Blessings, Kate. I'm praying for you. & your precious little Cohen! And I hope when your hubs returns, you can get some much needed rest. Its always nice to have daddy take over once in awhile (:
Hi Kate,
For Mason when he was teething we did some of the normal- tylenol tylenol tylenol, but I also made some fruit, cooked pears and apples, pureed them and then froze them in ice cube trays. Then, at Target they have these little nifty things that look like a pacifier, except the part the baby "sucks" on is a net. You can put frozen things, or hard fruit in them. So, I put a frozen cube of pureed food and let the baby eat away. He loved the treat, and it numbed the gums for a bit.
Hey Kate! So yeah, we're talking about getting pregnant next year, but your blog is sobering (I guess it would be impossible for Cohen to be adorable ALL the time...) A good slap of reality to my fantasy-baby land... I'm in Hebrew now, so whenever 'priest' is mentioned I smile thinking of your little man. And a friend is doing her OBGYN quarter (of med school) at Group Health, which also makes me think of you, so you're on my mind lots...
I'm so impressed how you blog so faithfully. I want to, in my mind I am composing things all the time. But getting it on to the iBook is my challenge. Hopefully with the weekend I'll make some time. Your T-Day sounds fun, hope you're blessed and that Shane's mom blends in well. We'll be at Los' huge/crazy family's gathering, I love it.
Look forward to seeing the new house!
Cara and Joel and we are going to South America in two weeks; should be fun. Joel's making me blog about that, so look forward to that!
Sending Seattle hugs,
your friend Casey
I have a very random question for you. In one of your blogs - quite awhile ago, you wrote that you would be posting a blog about a conversation you and Beth once had and that the blog would be called "You Are What You Eat." Do you have that as a draft or did you just never write it? It seemed interesting to me... so I'm asking. :)
I was looking through some of your older blogs today (again) and saw where you had mentioned that.
no worries Kate, thanks for the reply & for your thought provoking blogs :) hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving and that Cohen is feeling a bit better too :)
Another vote for Hyland's teething tablets. My kids would see me coming toward them with the little white tablets and their mouth would shoot open like a little bird. Giving kids medicine has never been so easy with homeopathic rememdies. No side effects, and if that rememdy doesn't work you don't have to wait 4+ hours before you can try another remedy. I love homeopathics for kids. Oh and Hyland's sells a kids kit for about 20 bucks that includes 6 or so remedies.
Peace, Wendy
I too suggest Hylands! It seems to calm Noah into a peaceful sleep.
The drool! Noah's "teething drool" drives me NUTTY! YUCK.
More comments later - time for bed.
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